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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Bishop Andrew John and Pr.P.Miguel

Some fotos of Pr.Miguel in action and receiving some complements for good service, but remember the last word and appreciation in our lives especially as pastors is from God, not man.

And I say once thank you Bishop John  for giving me this big platform in Trinidad, and making part of this immense growing ministry,in the Central America. as a man of God one must have a vision, especially if the vision involve saving souls or protecting the status and the commandments of GOD,,when you have that trust me you will be rewarded by God,today I have preached and explained about the tribe of Levi, how they defended the status of God,and God separated them as protectors of the laws and statues of God,they were highly honored by God.
My vision from the moment that i knew that I was being separated for the kingdom of God, my vision was that i must step in the 4 corners of this planet and save at least 33 thousand or more souls for the kingdom, trust me I still have a long journey, and only with your prayers that I can achieve.

Honor thy Servants

Shalom Beloved, i would like to speak on the word of the apostle in the book of Thessalonians 5:12,13.
Today was a blessed day, as I was surprised by the congregation  and the General Overseer of Covenant house of praise, they surprised me in honor me on this special day it was wonderful, that made me cry, as a man of God sometimes we never know how our preaching and our prayers makes an impact in the lives of our flock or people that come to church, so I heard wonderful testimonies of blessing that I received today from this faithful servants of God.

I really thank for everything, as it gives me more courage to do the work of God harder, when we see and  hear this things. I have no words to express my gratitude toward Bishop.Andrew John, for accepting me in his ministry, and letting me do what God has really called me for.

I also thank everyone that was there and attend my Wednesdays meetings, in LAHOYA and Sundays at center of excellence were, we have our major services,  may God truly bless you all, reminding that this Sunday the house will be packed, and next week I will be in Panama,Peru, then in Brasil to visit my wife and child.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

One dollar and eleven cents

Jesus said, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."1

The following story was sent to me by a Daily Encounter reader in Saudi Arabia. Even if this is a myth, it is an excellent parable. Be sure to read the end for the real miracle.

A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar, she made her way six blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big sign above the door. She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy and totally ignored her. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!

"And what do you want?" the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. "I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages."

"I want to talk to you about my brother," Tess answered back. "He's really, really sick, and I want to buy a miracle."

''I beg your pardon?" said the pharmacist.

"His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost?"

"We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I'm sorry but I can't help you," the pharmacist said, softening a little.

"I have the money to pay for it. If it isn't enough, I will get the rest."

The pharmacist's brother was a well-dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, "What kind of a miracle does your brother need?"

"I don't know," Tess replied with her eyes welling up. "I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it, so I want to use my money."

"How much do you have?" asked the man from Chicago.

"One dollar and eleven cents," Tess answered barely audibly, "and it's all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to."

Well, what a coincidence," smiled the man. "A dollar and eleven cents—the exact price of a miracle for little brothers."

He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the miracle you need."

That well-dressed man was supposedly Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. The operation was completed without charge and it wasn't long until Andrew was home again and doing well.

"That surgery," her Mom whispered, "was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost." Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost … one dollar and eleven cents … plus the faith of a little child.


National and International missionaries all over the world have a special duty to carry the hope of Jesus to those who have never heard His name. This is oftentimes done in the face of great opposition, for them to continue to do so they need your prayer and support, especially financial aid or material aid to help them in this long walk.
For this reason I pray that God touches your heart to help in either way voluntary., and believe me you will be greatly blessed and appreciated by God., so make part of this great revolution and be a giver or a helper to spread the word of salvation.

Mans Night Out

Shalom beloved, I would like to inform all of you that missed the mans night out with me and Bishop.Andrew John, it was superb and fun, so please start buying your Christmas dinner tickets,so that you don't miss this one too, we are expecting guest from the U.S.A and leaders from other Caribbean states come and celebrate Christmas with us,

Tickets are already on sale at various church branches around the country, or log on to our website for precise information, or stay tuned to 98 fm, and not forgetting to always log on to my blog for further details.
All disciples and leaders are urged to be present.

Sunday, don't forget the day that heavens will open on your behalf, I Pr.Miguel will be at the Nelson Mandela auditorium, for this big event for Jesus, at jack warner centre of excellence, at the hotel auditorium, we are starting at 08 morning.

And Bishop Andrew will be in Diego Martin, so don't miss Sunday the 4th December.
I love you all.

Your humble servant

Monday, 28 November 2011


Limão (Citrus limonun Risso, Citrus limon (l.)) Burm., Citrus medica) é um produto milagroso para matar células cancerosas. É 10.000 vezes  mais potente do que a quimioterapia. Por que não estamos conscientes  disto? Porque existem organizações interessadas em encontrar uma  versão sintética, permitindo-lhes obter  LUCROS fabulosos. Assim de  agora em diante você pode ajudar um amigo, permitindo que ele saiba que deve beber suco de limão com bicarbonato para prevenir a doença.
Seu sabor é agradável. E evidentemente não produz os efeitos horríveis  da quimioterapia. E sim, você pode fazê-lo, plantar uma árvore de limão em seu quintal ou jardim. Todas as suas partes são úteis.
Na próxima vez que você quer beber um suco, pedir limão natural sem conservantes.
Quantas pessoas morrem enquanto este segredo tem sido ciosamente mantido para grandes corporações estudarem uma forma de lucro vários milhões de dólares?
Como você bem sabe a árvore de limão é baixa. Ele não ocupa muito espaço, conhecido como o limão, lima, limão, limoeiro (GAL), llimoner (Cat.), limoiaritz (eusk.).
O fruto é uma fruta cítrica que vem em diferentes formas sua polpa pode ser comida diretamente ou é usada normalmente para fazer bebidas, palhetas, doces etc.
O interesse desta planta é devido aos seus efeitos de forte anti -cancerígenos. E, embora muito mais propriedades atribuídas a ele, a coisa interessante sobre o assunto é o efeito que produz os cistos e tumores. Esta planta é um remédio para câncer testada para cânceres de todos os tipos. Há quem diga que é muito útil em todas as variações do câncer.
Também é um agente antimicrobianos de amplo espectro contra infecções por bactérias e fungos que são aqueles que vivem em lugares ácidos. É eficaz contra vermes e parasitas internas, regula a pressão arterial elevada e é antidepressivo, combate stress e distúrbios nervosos.
A fonte desta informação é fascinante: vem de um dos fabricantes de medicamentos do mundo, que afirma que depois de mais de 20 testes, efetuados os extratos de 1970 revelou que:
Destruir o mal em 12 tipos de células de câncer, incluindo dois pontos, mama, próstata, pulmão e o pâncreas…
Esta árvore compostos mostrou ato 10.000 vezes melhor retardando o crescimento do câncer células desse produto Adriamycin, uma droga de quimioterapia, geralmente usado no mundo.

E o que é ainda mais surpreendente: este tipo de terapêutica, com extrato de limão e bicarbonato, destrói somente as células de câncer maligno e não afeta as células saudáveis.

Part two responsability

Furthermore, when are we going to make people responsible for THEIR actions? And isn't abortion (regardless of what it is called) another way of allowing irresponsible people to avoid personal responsibility? Irresponsibility is a curse on society. Ultimately it destroys us. As the old saying goes, there are no free lunches. In the end we all pay.

It is absolutely imperative that personal responsibility is taught and exemplified from the cradle to the grave … starting with parents … teachers … politicians … and every one in between. And let it begin with you and me.

Please make this prayer: "Dear God, grant that those of us who name the name of Christ will model responsibility in every area of life and set an example for all to follow. So help us God so to do. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

Your humble servant

Responsability part 1

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."1

People—all the way from ordinary individuals, celebrities, business personnel, lawyers, politicians, etc., etc.—are notorious for avoiding or abetting others from personal responsibility.

Just today, for example, I was informed about a young woman in her mid-twenties who "fell pregnant" during a ten-day relationship with a man twenty years her senior (who happened to be wealthy). So she quit her job, bought an expensive car, rented a nice house … and sued her "overnight lover" for an exorbitant amount of monthly support to maintain her newly acquired lifestyle and the not-yet-born child. And the judge granted her what she demanded—for the next 18 years!

Pray tell me, who was the most irresponsible person in this case … the man in question, the money-grabbing woman, her lawyer or the judge? By the way the father-to-be had already offered the mother-to-be more than adequate support for the child—but she wanted more. In a year or two will this woman "want" another child and sue another hard-working wealthy man? Who's to stop her when lawyers and judges won't? We have gone sue-crazy in this country and too many lawyers and judges are letting people get away with it. So who are the sickest?

Furthermore, when are we going to make people responsible for THEIR actions? And isn't abortion (regardless of what it is called) another way of allowing irresponsible people to avoid personal responsibility? Irresponsibility is a curse on society. Ultimately it destroys us. As the old saying goes, there are no free lunches. In the end we all pay.



Dear God, please help me to understand more fully and appreciate more intensely the true meaning of what you have done for me to make possible the forgiveness of all my sins, and the hope of spending eternity with you in heaven because of what Jesus did for me when he died on the cross in my place to pay the price for all of my sins. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

Your humble servant.


As strange as it may seem, religion may send more people to hell than anything else! That is, religion that depends on one's own "good works" or adhering to "legalistic religious rules or ritual" to get them into God's heaven. God's Word makes it very clear, "By grace are we saved through faith—and not of ourselves—it is the gift of God. Not of works lest anyone should boast."2 That is, we can never earn our way into God's heaven. We are saved only because of God's unfailing love and mercy and by our trusting in Jesus Christ and his dying on the cross in our place to save us from our sins.

Sure, Christianity is a religion; but in one sense religion, generally speaking, is man's search for God, but Christianity in its truest sense is God's search for man. It's about Jesus Christ, the son of God, coming to earth in the form of a man to make reconciliation with God possible for us through his death on the cross in our place. Christianity has nothing to do with living by a set of man-made legalistic rules—such living will never get anybody into God's heaven. Christianity is about making it possible for us to have a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ and then having right and healthy relationships with people.

Your humble servant:P.Miguel

Bellow are some Pictures of services in Lahoya,and Jack Warner- center of excellence, dont miss this Sunday,were I will be delivering a powerful message by God, and praying for the gifts of revelation and prophecy.

Friday, 25 November 2011


Greeting beloved, I would like today to honour all. The followers and readers of my blog, especially brother Gregory, who posts wonderful comments,my sister Cheila in Angola, my brother Kiala, my wife and everyone else God bless, and be on the alert for the trumpet, Jesus is coming.

God bless you all, and sorry for the prayer meeting brothers and sisters, I missed calculated that this coming Wednesday would be my last one,it's the 7th of December that I will be addressing and leading the prayer meetings at Lahoya, and please don't miss the 4th of December,I will conduct especial service at Jack Warner Centre of excellence.

And to all of you who can't come please leave your prayer request with your name on the comment section, and I will gladly pray for you.

Don't Miss,
Your humble servant,

I have a Problem??

But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner'"1

A man went to visit a psychiatrist, or so the story goes, and said, "Doc, I've got two problems." The psychiatrist said, "Okay, tell me all about it." The man began, "Well, first of all, I think I am a Coca-Cola Machine."

The psychiatrist sat the man down and started therapy. For weeks, he gave it his best shot but nothing seemed to help. Finally, out of exasperation, the psychiatrist jumped up one day, took two quarters (25-cent pieces) out of his pocket, shoved them in the man's mouth, grabbed him by the ears and shook him till he swallowed them. Then he hollered, "Okay, now give me a Coke."

That's when the man said, "I can't, Doc. That's my second problem, I'm out of order."2

Jokes aside, the only people who have a problem that anyone can ever help, and the only ones that God can help are those who admit, "I have a problem. I need help. I'm out of order." As long as we blame anybody else for the way we react to situations, we will never overcome our problems. What others do to me is their issue. This is not to justify what they have done. However, how I respond is always my responsibility. In other words, whatever bothers me is my problem/issue and I need to resolve that.  

Overcoming any problem means acknowledging that I have a problem, admitting what the problem is, seeking help to overcome it, and persistence to hang in until the problem is resolved.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, whenever I have a problem, please give me the courage to admit it and then do something about overcoming it … and lead me to the help I need to do so. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."
Your humble servant.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Living and loving Pt 2

Love is a lesson to be learned. We don't come into the world knowing how to love—only with the capacity to learn love. If we grow up and live with love, we will learn how to love and become loving. If we don't, we won't. That is, if we don't grow up in a loving home atmosphere, we won't learn to feel loved or how to love. We become what we grow up with.

If we grew up with less than adequate love, we need to get it now. So how do we do this? As we said yesterday, we can only feel loved to the degree that we are known. In other words, to fully love we need to be fully known for who we truly are. That's the scary thing that makes it so difficult for people to grasp.

I fear that if you know who I truly am with all of my fears, faults, and failures, you won't like me, let alone love me. However, if I am with safe, loving people the exact opposite is true. The easiest people in the world to love are people who are real—who are honest—people who are not hiding behind a false mask pretending to be something or someone they are not.

In other words, I learn love by being with safe people; that is, non-judgmental, non-advice-giving, and non-trying-to-fix-me people. If you are a safe, trustworthy person, as I allow you to see my fears, failures and faults and you don't judge me, tell me what I should or shouldn't feel, be or do, but accept and love me as I truly am, little by little I learn to love and accept myself in exactly the same way. That reprogramming of the mind doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and persistence. Try as I might there is no other way to grow in love. There is no simple, quick-fix solution.

For the healing of persons, which includes healing in love, the Bible teaches us to confess our sins and faults to one another, to pray for one another so that we may be healed!2 But don't ever confess your sins and faults to unsafe people. If you do, you will only feel more rejection.

I have a brother,that I dearly love he also has been chosen by God, but he lacks the spirit of proper love and humbleness, I really wish he could change, everything he does for your he brags-out loud, and yet he is a man off God.,in other word (he has the spirit of PRIDE)

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to be open, honest and real with myself and with you, and to find at least one loving safe person with whom I can be totally open, honest and real and confess my fears, faults, failures and sins … and in so doing experience healing—and thereby learn to love and accept myself as you love and accept me. And then make me a loving channel through whom your love can flow to every life I touch. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

Your humble Servant.

Living and Loving Pt 1

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us."1

In classes/seminars I've taught over a number of years I have asked hundreds of people how many feel that they would like more love in their life. In response, most hands are  raised. But when I ask how they can get more love, almost all answer, "By giving love."

Sounds reasonable and works wonderfully well as long as we feel loved. The fact remains, however, that we cannot give what we haven't got. In other words I can only give love to the degree that I have been and feel loved.

In my experience I don't think there are many principles I find so simple and yet so profound in its effect—and so difficult for people to grasp—than teaching how to grow in love so that they will feel loved and have more love to give.

Here's the principle: We love God because he first loved us. We love people exactly the same way—by someone first loving us!

Continue... Read next part


The other key word that you will see listed in the verses below is the word “haughty.” Here is what Webster’s and some of the other Bible Dictionaries have to say about this negative quality:
  • Showing great pride on oneself and disdain
  • Contempt or scorn for others
  • Proud, arrogant, supercilious (disdain or contemptuous)
  • An arrogant spirit
As you will see in the Scripture verses below, the Lord is using some very intense and strong language when describing this negative quality. Not only does God call pride an actual sin in His sight, but He goes one step further and calls it an actual abomination!
As I have stated several times in some of my other articles, whenever God the Father is using the word “abomination” to describe what He is thinking about something – He is using the most extreme and intense word that He possibly can to let all of us know, without any other possible interpretation, that we are to have no part of the activity He is describing as an abomination. We are to avoid it like the plague.
When God puts the qualities of pride and haughtiness in this abomination category – you know that He is giving all of us a very serious warning on this issue.
In the Scripture verse below where God the Father is telling us that pride and a haughty spirit will come before destruction and a fall – He is giving all of us major revelation. The history of our world, and what we see on a daily basis throughout the entire world, are all showing us this piece of revelation in actual operation.
The history of our world is littered with the casualties that this negative and demonic quality and mindset has caused. It literally, and I mean literally, has completely toppled and destroyed kingdoms, countries, nations, alliances, companies, marriages, and good friendships.
Probably the greatest fall that has ever occurred coming from this one negative quality may end up being the story of how Satan fell from heaven. The Bible only gives us partial information about this story.
As you will see in the three Scripture verses I will give you below on how Satan managed to get cast out of heaven – the quality of pride was definitely one of the main causes that led to his own personal downfall in the Lord.
And to think that he was then able to get one-third of the rest of the angels to get cast out of heaven right along with him! I repeat – one third of all the angels who were living with him in heaven were also cast out – and they have now all permanently lost their place in heaven for all of eternity!
There is no more saving grace for Satan and all of these fallen angels. And to think that all of them were born and created up in this perfect heavenly environment – and then to throw it all away – all because one angel thought he could literally overthrow God Almighty Himself. Not only has this got to be the height of pure arrogance and pride, but it also has to be the height of pure stupidity!
As you will see in one of the Scripture verses below, Satan was one of the highest of all the angels God has ever created. He was allowed to literally walk on the mountain of God the Father Himself. He thus had to know how awesome and how powerful God the Father really is and that there was no way that anyone could ever begin to try and overthrow Him.
If God is all-powerful and there are no other Gods in existence, then anyone with half a brain can deduce that God cannot be defeated or overthrown. But Satan obviously was blinded by something else from being able to see this simple and logical truth – and that something else was probably the spirit of pride and arrogance that he had operating in him by the time he started to reach this point of no return. I believe this is why God is telling us in this particular verse that the spirit of pride will come right before the fall – as pride is what will start to blind you as to what the real truth of a matter is.


However, as with anything else that may start out good, there is always the danger of possible excess. What starts out as a simple and a humble type of pride can start to grow into something much more deadly if a person does not properly keep on top of it.
One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of self-control. Not only will you need to use your own self-control to help keep a proper grip and lid on this quality from getting out of control in your personality – but you will also need the self-control of the Holy Spirit Himself to help you keep proper control of it, especially for those who are called by God to move into any type of leadership roles within His Body.
In the verses I will list below, you will see two key words being repeated several times. These two key words are the words “pride” or “proud,” and the word “haughty.”
Webster’s Dictionary, and several of the different Bible Dictionaries describe the negative kind of pride as follows:
  • An unduly high opinion of oneself
  • Exaggerated self-esteem, conceit
  • Haughty behavior resulting from arrogance
  • An improper and excessive self-esteem known as conceit and arrogance
  • A sin of attitude and of the heart and spirit
  • A puffed up and inflated ego
  • Boasting and high-mindedness
  • A conceited sense of one’s superiority
  • Highly exalted in attitude, opposite from the virtue of humility
All you have to do is compare the two different sets of definitions of the good kind of pride versus the bad kind of pride to see what the real differences are between the two of them.
What gets some Christians into major trouble with the Lord is falling and entering into the second category mentioned above. What can start out as a humble, justified, and reasonable kind of self-respect for one’s self and one’s own efforts and accomplishments in the Lord can quickly deteriorate and descend down into the bad kind of pride where one starts to lose all sense of who they really are in the Lord.
Your humble servant


For the record, I believe there is a good kind of pride and a bad kind of pride. Many Christians, after reading what some of the verses from the Bible has to say about this toxic quality, try to remove all sense of pride from them and their lives. As a result, they end up reducing a lot of their own natural joy in the Lord.
Webster’s Dictionary, and some of the other different Bible Dictionaries describe this good kind of pride as follows:
  • Proper respect for one-self, self-respect
  • A reasonable or justifiable self-respect
  • Sense of one’s own dignity and self-worth
  • Delight or satisfaction in one’s own or another’s achievements
If your child comes home and tells you that he has just received straight A’s on his report card, your first natural and instinctive response will be to want to tell them “how proud” you are of them and what they have just accomplished. If your husband comes home and tells you he has just received a nice promotion and pay raise at work for the good job he has been doing – again, your first natural response will be to want to tell him how proud you are of him and his efforts to try and make a better life for your and your family.
This is the good kind of pride. There is nothing wrong in having this good kind of pride for what your children may be able to accomplish, and for what you may accomplish in your own work for the Lord in this lifetime. I believe that God Himself wants us to have this good kind of pride for the blessings and opportunities He may bring our way in this life.
If God has just blessed you with a nice new house, there is nothing wrong in being proud of that house and wanting to take good care of it. If God has blessed you with a wonderful marriage with a beautiful mate and beautiful children, there is nothing wrong in taking pride in all of them and what they may accomplish for the Lord in this life.


4th December

Shalom beloved, I cordially invite you to attend my service on the 4th of December at Jack Warner center of excellence, from eight in the morning until ten o'clock, it will be the day of great restoration in your life.

We I will be praying for the gifts of revelation, and conducting special anointing with olive oil and giving prophetic word in your life for the year 2012, dont miss make this a special date with you and God,so book your place as it will be packed by the grace of the holy spirit for more info please feel free to consult church ushers.

And on Wednesdays please dont miss my prayer meetings in the auditorium of Lahoya, from 18hrs evening until 20hrs, follow up by Bible studies,... I Pr.Miguel will be there together with the great man of God Bishop.Andrew John

And stay tuned at 98.0 FM / call Pr.Miguel at +1868 464 1644

come and worship with us, and be blessed.

Monday, 21 November 2011


Moreover, as Sydney Jourard wrote some years ago in his book, The Transparent Self, "Every maladjusted person is someone who has not made himself known to another human being and in consequence he does not know himself. Nor can he be himself. More than that, he struggles actively to avoid becoming known by another human being. He works ceaselessly at it day and night. And it is work!"

So to be healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually—and to find loving relationships—we need to come out of hiding and be real.

So how do we do this?

To be continued …

Real Love

Only those embittered and disillusioned by failure in love would disagree with those words. We were created for loving relationship, without which we limp along in the shadows of life eking out a lonely existence. And even while living with others such people may live together alone apart—and die a little every day.

It may not be most desirable, but we can live without romantic relationships, but we cannot live healthily nor can we get our love needs met without being in at least one—and hopefully—several healthy relationships.

Furthermore, we can only love and be loved to the degree that we are known. As long as I hide behind a false mask, no matter how attractive and likable that mask may be, I will never feel loved, because my mask is not me. That's the person I'm pretending to be. Only real people find real love. What is more, only real people can experience a real relationship with God. I simply cannot feel close to God or anybody else as long as I hide behind a false mask.

Your humble servant.

Prayer of love

Dear God, please help me to be honest and real with myself and with you so that I will know and experience feeling close to you and learn how to find and experience loving relationships. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, amen."

Your humble servant


Today i would like to appreciate a man of God,Spiritual father,Friend and a mentor,
As man of God we do have our mentors too, and one of the most blessed person that I happen to come across too, is Bishop.Alph Lukau.

Reason for this, is that I did not happen to hear about him but lived with him and I experienced the beautiful life style of this humble servant of God,and if is ought to set an example he is a splendid person to do just that,.
God has blessed this man not only with an extraordinary ministry and wealth, but he is so blessed with a gift that I admire the most, and that is humbleness, if you know me well, I am a person that dwells and loves humble people.,and especially when it comes to Prs, and flock leaders.

I lived a couple of months and had the opportunity to observe this great man, and even traveled to south america with him, and all I gained is enlightenment,and this month my Blog honors him.

Hei, and if you want to learn about giving and respect or leadership, see Pr.Alph.

”A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”

Heavens Is Beautiful Final

Beauty beyond compare: "The wall [of Heaven] was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.

"I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's [Jesus Christ's] book of life."3

Jesus himself made many references about heaven. The Apostle Paul and several of Jesus' disciples also wrote about heaven. In fact, in the New Testament section of God's Word, the Bible, there are 237 references relating to Heaven. There are many more in the Old Testament section of the Bible. Rest assured, God himself repeatedly  validates Heaven.

Your humble servant

Heavens Is Beautiful part Two

No more hunger or sadness: "Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat…. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."1

No more death, grieving, crying or pain: "Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new  earth,' for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.' He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Continue part three....

Heavens is Beautiful

You may have seen the video of the blind man sitting by the wayside with a sign that said, "I'M BLIND PLEASE HELP." He received very few coins. A lady walked by and, when passing, glanced at the blind man's sign. After taking a few steps, she turned back and re-wrote the man's sign without saying a word and went on her way. Soon endless passerby people were donating coins. When returning, the lady who re-wrote the sign stopped to see how the blind man was faring. He asked enquiringly, "What did you write on my sign?" She simply said, "I wrote the same but in different words." She had written, "IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND I CAN'T SEE IT." Her "vision" changed this man's world and life.

This brings to mind how many people we pass by every day that are totally blind spiritually and cannot "see" Heaven, most of whom don't wear a sign to ask for help, let alone having a sign that says: "Heaven is beautiful and I can't see it."

So let me share with you how God in his Word, the Bible, has painted a beautiful picture of Heaven that the mind's eye, when opened, can clearly see.

Continue part two...

Sunday, 20 November 2011


I recall that the Bible says, "Be angry, and do not sin." It's what we do about our anger that becomes either right or wrong—creative, or destructive and sinful. Remember, too, that what negative feelings we don't talk out creatively, we will inevitably act out destructively.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to discern the source of any and all negative feelings and, when they are indicating that something in my life needs facing and resolving, help me to see the reality of this, and get the help I need to resolve them so I won't act them out in destructive and sinful ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, amen."

Your humble Servant.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Vanity Against Soul

Recently I was chatting with a friend and we were talking of nations that are really showing allot of effort in trying to spread the gospel of Jesus to other nations, and I was telling her it was nice when we use to read story's about David Livingstone,Dwight moody, Bunyan, these are missionary's that made a impact in spreading the Gospel, for refence, I want you to read the book heroes of faith, you can get it from Brazil gospel book shops.

Now when I come to see and contemplate were African pastor's, its a shame to see what they achieve in the name of Jesus regarding souls,today some African pastor's are just like mannequins trying to show off their most expensive earthly treasurer's that they have,last series of Benz,most expensive watches,and some even go to the extend to show how much they spend in a gourmet meal.,not that we cant have all those but let us ask ourselves were are the souls.
2 years ago the UNITED STATES-IRS conducted a research in some of the big names of pastors and they came to conclusion that 75% of world pastors work hard to raise their fame,and their bank balance.

So I say were are those that cry for souls?, it is an embarrassing to go to some churches today,and the conduct of certain people out-there that call themselves man of God.
The we can say Jesus cry's.

But one-thing I am sure there are still good man's of God that still cry for souls,and when it comes to nations on the evangelism, I would say South America are in number one ranking, I have traveled these blessed planet that God gave for man to posses, and every check-in counter at international airports I have came across great man of God who were so eager and happy to go to a remote country and spread the Gospel some of them left  possessions and family to reside in other country's just for soul, And guess what they were all from south america, and  65% Brasil.

I realized that they are losing in soccer but wining in soul gaining, and gospel spreading, and they are using all available methods to win souls for Jesus.

I just pray that our African brothers and Pastors put them selves in that place.,me yes! I want to count souls.

God bless you all,go out there and take someone from the hands of the devil, and be a soul winner.

Your humble servant

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


God, it made me cry to read and see such pictures, of burnt Christians in Nigeria, it really shows how close Jesus is to come.
I beg all brother and sisters in faith out there to pray,for the families of such victims, according to the news they wore burnt by Suni,Muslims in a remote area in Nigeria, I wanted to post those picture in my blog but it's too strong.

May god bless those who are being persecuted for his name, but I am sure the reward is bigger, internal life in the kingdom of God.

Sincerely,your humble servant.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


It is said, that war was created amongst tribes,countries,families because of bad communications, and I have come to realize and see that the myth is true.

Because when I was studying for my MBA, one of my subjects in class was communications, a business must have proper communications set up, otherwise you will fail.
As said, sometimes people say NO someone else, would understands YES, the wrong in it, is the sender and the receiver, but in between you have the decipher so he is the one that decodes the message then, he gets from the sender to the receiver, so for a decipher to obscure or decode the right message, we must avoid backgrounds noise, or such to make sure the end receiver gets the message,

So that's why there are people out there killing themselves or getting the wrong message, because of bad reception,or even a poor decoder,or wrong translator.

The word of God is brought to us perfectly, God the father is the SENDER,and it has been translated by JESUS, now you must have the Holy Spirit to to receive the right message, because if you dont, you will end up messing up everything that is sent your way LIKE BECOMING A KILLER,RAPIST,WIFE BEATER, IGNORANT,ARROGANT,SELF CENTERED OR EVEN ENDING UP IN THE WRONG CHURCH AND PRACTICING SOMETHING CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU RECEIVED FROM GOD.

And not only you will destroy yourself, but you will involve others,at the end we have what we call collateral DAMAGE.


May God speak more in your hearts what I am not able too.


IDENTIFY Fake Pastors

Hello, Shalom beloved,

Today I would like to tell you how you identify a WOLF on sheep skin, this is a prophecy that our Lord Jesus has predicted long time, that it would come to past, in today's generation, many would come in my name, and other will only speak of themselves.

I have seen many, especially when you start to see those that only speak of them selves but less of Jesus, or the Holy spirit.
Mathew 24.24:For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Today its very rare to find a church we we can go and just be filled with the holy Ghost or with real food from heaven, most out there you find those extravagant pastor who just want to extol themselves,or like we say church business, I made a vow to God that the day i start speaking more of me and less of Jesus, he may take the holy spirit of me.

we are called to be shepherds, not bosses of the devil, a shepherd is he who goes after one soul,a shepherd is he who gives attention to that one sheep, that has been lost,a shepherd is he who lives the warmth of a blanket to say Jesus loves you,Jesus saves, and that Jesus wants you in full, not only you heart,Body,Soul,and spirit.

this is very rare, today we want the crowd instead of one or two, its not a problem gaining the crowd but make sure they a won for the Kingdom.
Today you go to churches you find Prs, that have no time to speak to you, its pulpit office, office home, and not forgetting those that you must book an appointment, and if his secretary tell him look Pr, that man is not that important he will just waste your time , just because you are not on his tithing list, 

Others, I dont even want to say, that preach money, from the beginning of the service to the end,and make church if its a auction place, can you give hundred,thousand,twenty, I tell you if you see this please run away.
Go and find yourself a Spirit filled church, even if that small one were there is only 1 to 50 people, but the Pr, is a dedicated man, stay there and serve God, instead being somewhere where you will end up loosing salvation.








Monday, 14 November 2011


Shalom., how are all of you beloved, I am happy once more to be talking to you, its exactly 3.45 morning time here in the carib, I am just going through one of those INSOMNIA syndrome, I must really get get some PHD help, I have been a victim of this syndrome for the past 8 years, all this is because of to much time zone changes in my life, especially when I started living in Asia, the Philipines-Manila, and in Vietnam, I could never catch up with time so it messed up my sleeping and now I am a victim of late sleeping and early waking up., and trust me I dont want to get addicted to sleeping pills, than you are hooked like a fish.

Yes, today the topic is the L word, most of us go through, or even been a victim of it from young, age,your father,friends always calling you are loser, you will never amount to nothing,you will always end up like whoever they compared you too,let me tell you one-thing nobody is born a winner in life we fail to make it better,I just dont believe in luck but yes, I believe in working hard   , yes there are those that are less fortunate, but not a loser. so if your hope fail you its not because you are a loser,but yes a less fortunate, but that does not mean you cant try again,or ask for help from the above.
God loves the sinner but not the sin, we fight not to hurt, but yes to come out better then our opponent.
And guess what today I received a email from Mr.KIALA himself, it was nice to hear from him,for you reader today I will post you a picture of Mr.Kiala my beloved brother then you will know who is this blessed man.

Love.,your humble servant - P.Miguel

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Shalom,Buenas sera,
The scriptures says for us to inherit the kingdom of God, we must have a M,S,T of a child mind ,soul thoughts of a child, in other words innocence, a child is so innocent that when he does or says something, he is unaware of his behaviours, I have this one favourite brother of mine, that, he is the one that acted strange in the family during his childhood,by the way I am the only one that calls him Kiala, it's his traditional name,now getting back to the subject Kiala AKA - Lourenzo Miguel, during child hood always had news for the family.

We had an aunt, called mama Manuela, she was very light in complexion,and Kiala, was also one of my brothers that was very light too, not really like me and the rest of my brothers, so when my aunt comes home he would run to her living my mom behind and my other brother and embrace her, and calling my aunt mom instead of my mom, but he behaved like that because my aunt was lighter like him, in other words he did it not because he was racist or something, because he was an innocent 3 year old child.,there were days he would sleep watching T.V and when me or my mom would tell him to go to bed, he would walk out of the T.V room and go and start washing dishes or even do something out of the ordinary, resuming,do you want to go to Heaven? Have a mind thoughts of a innocent child, I am not telling to go LOCO,crazy, but be like Jesus little ones.

I love you, have a blessed Sunday, please if you can drop a comment on my blog, it shows me allot of appreciation and God too, that we must spread the news that Jesus is coming sooner.

Love your humble Servant

Friday, 11 November 2011


I feel sad when I see and hear certain stories about women abuse, and especially when it comes to believers.
There are man out there that really don't know to preciate gift called love or care,they replace it with a word called tools,and tools are things that has no sense, love, or understanding but, yes an object of utility, and this is what some man translate their spouses or wife.

I would like to go deeper into this issue because I have experience and seen victims of such abuse, and as Christian husbands we cannot put our wife's in the position of a tool or an object, you do find even people that love their tools and treat them with care, but the man point is or the real fact is, love does not work one way, it's like a circle, it's start and never end. There is continuity to it until death do us part....

Let me just warm up, I will be back to write more....

Friday, 4 November 2011

Monica Alexis

I have to say that I am a very lucky man, to have a honour of having a friend, mother and mentor as Monica Alexis, this lady goes to the extreme just to see me happy,we have no blood leaniage or never meet, through family background, she and her husband are the best friend or mother that I have left, I pray night and day for her joy and happiness, what I am trying to say is that it very rare to find a friend a true friend in the 21st century,

I may have lost a dear mother but God somehow gave a carribean family, God bless you sister Monica, and Brother Kurt, she will be in brazil December too.

Your son and friend, P.Miguel