Shalom,Buenas sera,
The scriptures says for us to inherit the kingdom of God, we must have a M,S,T of a child mind ,soul thoughts of a child, in other words innocence, a child is so innocent that when he does or says something, he is unaware of his behaviours, I have this one favourite brother of mine, that, he is the one that acted strange in the family during his childhood,by the way I am the only one that calls him Kiala, it's his traditional name,now getting back to the subject Kiala AKA - Lourenzo Miguel, during child hood always had news for the family.
We had an aunt, called mama Manuela, she was very light in complexion,and Kiala, was also one of my brothers that was very light too, not really like me and the rest of my brothers, so when my aunt comes home he would run to her living my mom behind and my other brother and embrace her, and calling my aunt mom instead of my mom, but he behaved like that because my aunt was lighter like him, in other words he did it not because he was racist or something, because he was an innocent 3 year old child.,there were days he would sleep watching T.V and when me or my mom would tell him to go to bed, he would walk out of the T.V room and go and start washing dishes or even do something out of the ordinary, resuming,do you want to go to Heaven? Have a mind thoughts of a innocent child, I am not telling to go LOCO,crazy, but be like Jesus little ones.
I love you, have a blessed Sunday, please if you can drop a comment on my blog, it shows me allot of appreciation and God too, that we must spread the news that Jesus is coming sooner.
Love your humble Servant
I have been over 114 countries,all for the grace of God almighty, I am a missionary by calling and a businessman by profession,and if you would ask me what I love the most,my answer to you is working for God,as I was called and anointed to spread the gospel of Jesus. International missionaries like me and others out there,we have the duty to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to those nations that have never heard of him,this is oftentimes done in the face of great oppositions and tribulations.
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