Shalom, to all beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,in few hours I will be boarding to Panama, making my way to Sao Paulo in the next week,
But I would like to wish all of you, a happy festive season as this month according to gregorian calendar, we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus, I know most of you this year you have endure hardship,pain,and lost, but I know if we set our eyes to Jesus, we are to overcome all this, and I pray that 2012 will be a year of rejoice and celebration to all of you in Jesus name,let us leave the past behind and focus in our future.
If we analyze the scriptures we see that when God freed his people from bondage, from the hands of Pharaoh, when they reached before the sea(ocean) they trembled of fear, because when they looked behind them all they saw is their oppressor coming behind them with great fury, but little less did they know that even if the wave of the sea are big our God is bigger to Shrink them and let us pass through, so remember that 2012 God will open the great ocean before us.
Ilove you all, and I promise you that God will make a way for you, by fire,by force.
Your humble servant.
I have been over 114 countries,all for the grace of God almighty, I am a missionary by calling and a businessman by profession,and if you would ask me what I love the most,my answer to you is working for God,as I was called and anointed to spread the gospel of Jesus. International missionaries like me and others out there,we have the duty to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to those nations that have never heard of him,this is oftentimes done in the face of great oppositions and tribulations.
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