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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The world or Eternal Life

Shalom beloved,

What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul over silver and gold?

The Answer - Nothing of permanent worth.

We would all like to be wealthy, to be financially free, to have that large mansion on acres of land with that pond, to have that private jet or that speed boat. Our wealth goals vary.

It is good to pursue wealth and financial freedom, but no tat the expense of salvation - ETERNAL LIFE.

You came into this world with no wallet and would be leaving your wallet when you have served your time on this earth.

Therefore, though wealth is a good thing, and all should seek betterment in life, ensure that your priorities are in order. Serving the living God is first priority. We were created by God for God. He created us, has a plan for us and we must abide by His will for it is perfect. In this disciplined obedience, He will take care of everything in our lives because of the supernatural alignment of things in our lives due to our commitment to His ways and purpose.

What I have learnt in life is this - ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU. What this means is all that matters is the love you give and share with each person you come in contact with i.e. the love of Christ. After all, it is the greatest commandment: 'love thy neighbour as thyself'.

Money, luxury, cars, houses, estates are all nice to have but it cannot get you into the Kingdom of God; you should use these things wisely to bless others and let God be glorified through your giving and selflessness.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things shall be added unto you.

In other words, put God first in your life and honor Him and He will take care of the bills and the bank account.

God bless you all.


Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God.

Brethren, I know sometimes it seems difficult to believe God for victory, especially when situations burn so hot in our lives. We tend to doubt God and worry.

The thing is, worrying really would not do any good, it just tires us and takes our attention and devotion off our Lord.

We MUST stand strong, and believe and press on.

The greater the challenge the greater the testimony; look at it that way.

Sometimes it just seems hopeless but God wants us to believe Him. It is easy to believe when the help is obvious or when the solution is obvious. But the real test of our faith is when we feel hopeless and yet we trust God just because HE IS ABLE.

He will take care of us even if it seems that things are tough, He is right there with us int he fire and His helping hand with stretch forth and deliver us from our pits. 

He called us by name, and brought us this far, He isn't going to leave us or forsake us.

Even if we end up in situations by our own ignorant or foolish doing, our GOD will have mercy on us and deliver us and uplift us. We must be sure to praise Him before and after and to learn from our mistakes. Do not take His kindness and mercy for granted.


A good morning to All,

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed season.

It is great that we laugh, eat and have a wonderful time, but we must remember the essence of it all.

Christ was born so that he could be crucified and be risen so that we could have life and have it more abundantly.

Take time to reflect on the marvel of his birth through Mary. A Saviour King born in this earth with all power and might but yet he chose to be humble and to see us with the eternal eye, keeping focused on his objective and fulfilling the Father's promise.

Seasons greetings to All.

We are alive in Christ today!
Hallelujah. Glory be unto God. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

God's Will and your Business Goals

Greetings All,

"A friend mentioned to me that she has a hard time deciding what ideas to pursue. Sometimes she gets so excited about them that she’s afraid she could be “running ahead of God.” What if God doesn’t want her to pursue this idea, and she’s stepping outside His will? So she backs up and feels the need to make absolutely 100% sure it’s what God wants her to do. Many ideas are abandoned or back-burnered because she feels like she doesn’t know 100% that it’s what God wants her to do.

While I feel it is important to live your life according to God’s will, I have a different viewpoint than my friend. I don’t spend a lot of time requiring an answer from God before I pursue every idea. I say a quick prayer. If I feel good about it and it fits within my focus and overall plan, I run with it.

When I told my friend this, she said, “Don’t you worry you could be running ahead of God? What if you mess up His plans for you?”

This gave me a chance to analyze how I process things, and I began explaining some foundational beliefs I hold. I feel these beliefs are what enable me to accomplish so much.

1) Humans can’t frustrate God’s plans. As long as I’m pointed in God’s direction, loving Him and wanting to align my will with His, no mistake I make is so big that it could frustrate His plans for me. He can take the biggest lemon and transform it into lemonade. God can even take people who are completely out of His will and make things work together for their good if they’ll turn to Him.
2) You cannot “run ahead of God.” I believe we might have a tendency to run faster than we have human strength to handle. But running ahead of God? Not possible.
3) God’s timing makes itself known. Sometimes I’ll get the feeling that my idea is a good one, but the timing isn’t right. For me, that’s just a “knowing.” But if I don’t pick up on that, God lets His timing be known when all the pieces aren’t in place for me to move past a point. Many times He’s letting me know it’s time to move an obstacle out of the way, and I work on that. Other times, it’s just a matter of other people getting ready and entering my life. In these cases, I’ve learned not to try to force things. Trust His timing!"

..................................................sourced from  

Friday, 9 December 2011

Panama City

By the grace of God, I arrived well in Panama, and I am at this beautiful city, what beauty, at the hotel at this very moment, I just don't know what grace came upon me, from the time I boarded the plane, after 1hour in the air, I started praying then suddenly just started crying like a baby, that I could not control my emotions, I just said God please send me the grace of love, and may it be done according to your own will, the after landing when I got settled up in the hotel I started praying by 00:30 the sMe anointing just came over me until now I just feel like crying before Jesus, please somebody pray for me.

Ahh not forgetting if you wish to travel to a beautiful Island,please come to Panama, what a beautiful country, were everything is cheap, it's a duty free zone(Zona Franca) you can buy 2 IPad for the minimum of $800".

I know some how God is doing something or hE is about to do something big, I love you all,I was happy today I spoke to my young brother Pr.Emanuel,my son favourite uncle, and if you want to see someone addicted to McDonald, is this young brother he just loves the quarter pounder from McDonalds,pity he lives in a country were they don't have McDonalds,God bless him and his lovely Girls, please continue to pray for my family the Miguel's.

Beloved this is the month of Jesus, do good,be good, and act good, and if you still don't feel love and peace inside of you then please accept Jesus and all that will change., he is the answer you have been waiting for and the solution you need.

Your humble servant.

Seed of Faith

"Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."1

"A woman has a dream where she wanders into a shop at the mall and finds Jesus behind the counter.

"Jesus says, 'You can have anything your heart desires.'

"Astounded but pleased, she asks for [the fruit of] peace, joy, happiness, wisdom, and freedom from fear. Then she adds, 'Not just for me, but for the whole earth.'

"Jesus smiles and says, 'I think you misunderstand me. We don't sell fruits, only seeds.'"2

It's true … what we sow is what we reap. If we sow seeds of bitterness, we will reap bitterness. If we sow seeds of disharmony, we will reap disharmony. But if we sow seeds of joy, we will reap joy, and if we sow seeds of love, we will reap love.

So whatever you do, be sure to plant the seeds of whatever it is you want to reap.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to plant seeds of love, joy, peace, gentleness, and kindness everywhere I go. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

Your humble servant

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Shalom, to all beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,in few hours I will be boarding to Panama, making my way to Sao Paulo in the next week,
But I would like to wish all of you, a happy festive season as this month according to gregorian calendar, we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus, I know most of you this year you have endure hardship,pain,and lost, but I know if we set our eyes to Jesus, we are to overcome all this, and I pray that 2012 will be a year of rejoice and celebration to all of you in Jesus name,let us leave the past behind and focus in our future.
If we analyze the scriptures we see that when God freed his people from bondage, from the hands of Pharaoh, when they reached before the sea(ocean) they trembled of fear, because when they looked behind them all they saw is their oppressor coming behind them with great fury, but little less did they know that even if the wave of the sea are big our God is bigger to Shrink them and let us pass through, so remember that 2012 God will open the great ocean before us.

Ilove you all, and I promise you that God will make a way for you, by fire,by force.

Your humble servant.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Put your chin up and fight

In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"1

In his book, Life Changes, James Hefley writes about Barry Luppin who was just twenty-six when a rare nerve disease sent him into the world of silence. Unable to pursue the law career he had planned, he drifted aimlessly for eight years bemoaning his deafness.

Then he determined, in his own words, to "put my chin up and fight." He learned to lip read and went into the auto leasing business. The business prospered into a multi-million-dollar enterprise.

Barry never allowed his handicap to keep him from normal work. When a customer calls, his secretary picks up an extension phone. She hears the caller and mouths the words silently to Barry who sits nearby. He replies in normal speech never letting on that he is stone deaf.

"If you have a physical handicap, you can run into a corner and hide," says Barry, "or you can just try harder than the next man and make a success of yourself."

In many ways life is what we make of it. If we choose to live in harmony with God's will and his purpose for our life—no matter what our circumstances—our life can then be an investment not only in this life but also in eternity.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to see what my God-given life purpose is and live in harmony with that and your will. I come to you as I am—warts and all—and trust my life to you. Please make something beautiful of my life. And in the words of the hymn writer, 'Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for your courts above.' Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

World wide web

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."1

In the computer world we're probably all aware of the initials, "WYSIWYG" (pronounced wissiwig) meaning "What You See Is What You Get."

In the real world it's pretty much the same; or it could be worded this way, "What you look for is what you find."

Steve Goodier in his book, Are You Living in the Past? Shared how both the vulture and hummingbird fly over the same desert. The vulture sees rotting flesh. The humming bird sees colorful desert plants. Each sees and finds what it's looking for.

We do the same thing. What we hunger for and thrive on is what we look for and find. As Frederick Langbrige put, "Two men look out the same prison bars, one sees mud, the other stars."

If we hunger for evil, that's what we'll find. If we hunger for material wealth and possessions, that's what we'll seek after. If we hunger for illicit love, that's what we'll look for, see, and find, etc., etc. But if we hunger for righteousness that's what we'll pursue, and if we hunger for God, we will find him.

Mary Norman summed it up very well: "I've never seen the face of God / To draw it in a book / But I have seen the hand of God / It's everywhere I look."

It's true in that what we see is what we get and what we look for is what we find. It depends on what we hunger and thirst for.

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to develop a thirst for righteousness, for things of eternal value, and above all a hunger and thirst for you. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, i

Sunday, 4 December 2011


The message today was a blessing, Mephiboseth 2 Samuel 9 a young man that once had everything he could imagine, royal name,royal treatment and a honor of a royal person.

One day he lost all because of a of a mislead care taker (MAID), that during running for her life ended up braking both of his legs,
Inheriting a shameless name, thrown out of the community and living on the out skirts.
But that did not only happen because of the maid but yes, because he was a grandson of a King who once disobeyed God, and a Son of Jonathan,both the family that God hated,and who has been overthrown by king David.

Now this young being the only real royal blood of king Saul,living in hiding in Lodebar, in fear of his life, depending from everybody,for food,dressing,or even moving around, one-day receives a summon to appear before the king,(FEAR) ignites on his face,not he knowing that God's favor just knocked on his door,maybe you have been a victim of similar conditions or situation.

Let me tell you be patient and wait upon the Lord with increased faith and things may change around.
Restoration is Coming your way, this time with a double portion of everything in your life.

View Some Pictures of today Service.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

My Son

Our children are a blessing, especially when you teach them the principles of God,obedience and love.,for this we have to work hard in prayers, as there world out there,is no longer a friendly place for them.


Its terrible in what we try to find peace or tranquility, we have what we call the cyber-world, some use the cyber world for good reason to promote their business, others go to communicate with relatives,and others go for pleasure of the flesh, and as me I try to promote the word of God and my busisnes, now a friend of mine and a business friend from america called me and said that he entered into my website or in other words this very one, my personal blog and saw allot of women, I told him maybe you entered into the wrong thing.

He said the time he entered he felt the site was hacked, so imagine my blog is made by Google, if Google, a major big corporation cant control hacking on their own websites, then we no longer have peace.,

Once more Jesus wins,because with Jesus there is no hacking, there is no back door, either you come through the narrow gates, or just stay outside with the devil.
Yes in Him you can find peace,not Google, or anybody else, this really made me go angry, believe you all me, trust nobody,only God.

The Scriptures tells us, cursed is a man that put his trust in another.

Your humble servant..


Thursday, 1 December 2011

Mission in West Africa

Handle Friendship and family

Ten Commandments for Getting Along With People

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."1

Relationships are truly the spice of life. When we get to the end of our life who wants to be the richest man in the cemetery? Not me, but I do want to be rich in loving relationships.

I have no idea who the author is but I have read the following commandments for getting along with people.

1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.

2. Smile at people. It takes seventy-two muscles to frown and only fourteen to smile.

3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyone's ears is the sound of his or her name.

4. Be friendly and helpful. If you would have friends, be friendly.

5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure [make sure that it is].

6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can find something interesting about every person.

7. Be generous with praise … and cautious with criticism.

8. Be considerate of the feelings of others. It will be appreciated.

9. Be thoughtful of the opinion of others. There are three sides to a conversation/argument: yours, the other person's, and the right one!

10. Be alert to give service. What you do for others is important.2