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Sunday, 2 October 2011


Greetings beloved, once more is Pr.Miguel, it was a blessing being on the altar of God, today I spoke about the calling for gaining souls, Proverbs 11.30 wise is he who gain souls.

It is very sad to see day, and nite and hear or see, young man and woman die without knowing the Savior Jesus Christ, I recall last note when I felt so bad watching on tv on national geographic, and they had a special program about young people on gangs and drugs, and some of them are just 15 to 17 years old of age...
I saw that and just cried and wished there was more as Christians that we can do,it is the duty o every man kind to win souls for the kingdom.

Mark.16.15 the scriptures tell us that every soul that has breath must become fisher of men, believe me dear readers at the end of the day, it is me and you that will reap and enjoy the fruits o life. Because you used the talents that God gave you.
today I have a curriculum that is very good looking before men,but before God I still have to achieve more for the kingdom,.

So dear brother go out there and step on the head of that devil and win that soul for God.

Thank you and please support my blogg. With whatever you can.

Love Pr.P.Miguel

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